The Bishop of the Sunyani Catholic Diocese, Rt. Rev. Mathew Kwasi Gyamfi, has noted that Ghana is holding its breath awaiting the ruling of the Supreme Court on the 2012 election petition.
“After watching the adversarial system of resolving the political problem many of us  wish there is an alternative method of handling the misunderstanding to make both parties winners instead of one being declared looser”, he explained.
He observed that many Ghanaians are afraid of the outcome of the election petition and that was why some personalities and agencies have resulted to other methods more in line with the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Mediation to prepare the minds of the populace and the party followers to accept the Supreme Court verdict.
The Catholic Bishop was speaking at the opening ceremony of the third edition of an arbitration training programme on Alternative Dispute Mechanism (ADR) and Mediation underway at the Catholic University College of Ghana (CUCG), in Fiapre near Sunyani.
 The five day programme is being organized by the Giving Ghana Foundation, in collaboration with Fordham law school in the United States of America, Sunyani Catholic Diocese and CUCG.
Rt. Rev. Gyamfi stressed that “because one party is going to lose everything and there is suffering associated with losing, the whole nation is griped with fear”.
The Catholic Bishop appreciated the content of the five day program saying it would empower the participants in handling the outcome of the election petition and pass the knowledge on to others to sustain national peace.
Justice Beresford Acquah, a Sunyani High Court Judge who represented the Chief Justice Her Ladyship Theodora Georgina Wood expressed excitement over the opening of Marian Conflict Resolution Centre at the CUCG training experts in the use of ADR.
He said “it a divine thing that the centre has been established in Sunyani to promote ADR as a veritable means of dispute/conflict resolution”.
Present at the program were Prof. John D. Frederick-Fordham Law School, Prof. Dennis Lynch of the Giving foundation and the facilitators from USA and Australia, Justice Ato Assan of the Sunyani High Court, Deputy Brong Ahafo Regional Minister, Samuel Justice Agyei, Vice Chancellor of CUCG, Prof. Ephraim Hawkins, Prof. John Frederick.
From Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani