Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Former Local Government Minister in the erstwhile Kufuor government, Kwadwo Adjei- Darko, has described as unlawful the behavior of some National Democratic Congress (NDC) supporters who demonstrated  against the elections of Metropolitan Municipal District Chief Executives (MMDCEs).
“Its complete lawlessness to hit the streets to demonstrate against any MMDCE, if you are party member and you feel your MMDCE is not doing well tell your Assembly member so that he or she can vote against the person when he is brought before them to be confirmed”, he added.
Mr. Adjei –Darko noted that NDC supporters have always been demonstrating against MMDCEs but those MMDCEs are always confirmed by the Assembly members that are sent there by the people.
He called on the media not to give much attention to  people calling for  dismissal  of MMDCEs and appealed to them to educate people on laid down procedures in presenting petitions.
The Programmes Officer for CDD Ghana, Paul Mensah Aborampah has disclosed that, the attitude of NDC members against the President's nominees was worrying.
According to him, the behavior being put up by some supporters of the NDC is against the laws of the land and it must be stopped.
He said when this happens the MMDCEs feel uneasy working in the constituency which compels them to do the biding of the party supporters instead of working for the people in the district.
He was speaking on the recent agitations by NDC supporters against elections of MMDCEs and how it can affect the government. He said the behavior being put up by party supporters can worry the President in ruling the country.
“This will only put pressure on the DCEs when they begin to work and it can have effect on the development of the area”, he added.
“We were worried when the former President Mills said DCEs should open their doors for the foot soldiers and give them jobs. We wrote a press release against it because we believe every Ghanaian should get a job not foot soldiers alone."
Mr. Aborampah reiterated calls for the election of MMDCEs to ensure accountability. 
"There has been many research concerning the Assemblies and the DCEs which the President is privy to, so he can go through and get competent people for the various Assemblies", he declared. 
By: Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani

Friday, June 21, 2013

Market Woman Happy About Security

Nana Bosoma Market
Some traders at the Sunyani Central Market have expressed their excitement over the measures being put in place by the Ghana National Fire Service to provide 24-hour security for the market to avoid any fires.
According to them, they have been worried about the recent fires at the various markets in the country's markets. The traders said they will give their maximum support to the officers who will be stationed at the market to guard there.
“We are really excited about the step being taken by GNFS and we will do everything they ask of us because our entire livelihood is here”, one woman declared.
One woman, who gave her name as Paulina, called on the officers to concentrate more on the various chop bars at the market and also educate the people about their presence so as not to scare the market women and their buyers.
Madam Paulina believed the step being taking by the fire service will go a long to help them avoid any future fires.
The women also called on the taskforce and the Municipal Assembly to help move the market woman who  are selling on the road leading to the market so that in case of any occurrence the fire officers can move quickly to the market to save the situation.
Meanwhile, the Brong Ahafo Regional Communication Director of the NPP, Kofi Boateng, has called on the Ghana National Fire Service to be efficient so that the President will not bring any officials from outside the country to investigate fires in the country.
He accused GNFS of not filling their vehicles with water thereby going to places of fires without water and leaving the people stranded whiles they watch their things burn.
“Make sure your fire tenders are working properly and fill the tanks so that you can put out fires when you are called that there is fire at any place”, he added. 
By: Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Woman, 66, Writes BECE

66 Year Old Mary Gyabiah
66-year-old woman, Mary Gyabiah, made history when she wrote her first paper in the on-going Basic Education Certificate Examination at the Mansen Senior High School Examination Centre at Wamfie in the Dormaa East District of Brong-Ahafo.
In an interview with pressmen, Madam Gyabiah, a mother of eleven, explained that she started school from Primary Three in 2006.
She said although she is a farmer, she realized that one can't progress without education. Madam Gyabiah, who attends Nsesereso-Asuhyiaeso D/A School, said  she wanted to turn her life around and impact positively on the lives of children, teachers and opinion leaders in the community.
Asked how she managed with her learning, she noted that although her classmates and teachers helped her it was not an easy task and appealed to parents not to hesitate to provide the things their wards need for school for children to climb higher in the education ladder.
She was proud to say that she can now write her name and sign her signature when she goes to the bank instead of thumb-printing.
 Touching on some challenges facing her, the 66-year-old woman said her main challenge is a waist problem bedeviling her and appealed to well meaning Ghanaians and government to come to her aid as she hopes to further her education to the Dormaa Senior High School.
The Dormaa East District Director of Education, Nana Otu Acheampong,  noted that Madam Gyabiah has been acting as a role model to the students and teachers as she counseled them, adding that she even advised him.
He said her academic performance was average and hoped she will be able to continue to the Senior High School level.
In a related development, a 45-year-old man at Wamanafo D/A JHS, Abu Musah is also in JHS Two.
 Mr. Musah who is a cocoa farmer narrated that during his childhood years his guardians did not send him to school.
He said he is acquiring formal education to learn how to read because a literate cocoa farmer cannot be cheated easily by cocoa purchasing clerks.
 He also encouraged young people not to hesitate to go back to the classroom as it is better late than never.
From Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani

Monday, June 17, 2013



Daily Guide information from examination centers in Sunyani the Brong Ahafo Regional capital indicates that more girls absented themselves from the exams as compared to their male counterparts. The reason for their absent was not immediately known by the paper but some pupils the paper spoke to believe their mates were pregnant and therefore felt shy to sit for the exams..
In an interaction with the Brong Ahafo Regional Director of Education, Dr. Adjei Hinneh he said he was still going rounds to the centers to know the number of absentees and their reasons.

He noted that the BECE was extended from April to June to allow the pupils sometime to study more to be able to pass the exams convincingly.
“I know the teachers have done their best and the children will surely excel if they take to what their teachers thought them”, he mentioned.
Dr. Hinneh said all centers in the region were ready for the examination and believed everything will go on well as they have planned.
He advised the pupils to read through the questions before they attempt to answer and see the exams as the mock they wrote in school so they can take the fear off. “Do an independent work and do not rush into answering questions, make sure you understand”, he told the pupils.
He said any center that will be seen as involved in examination malpractice will be derecognize by the education service and will ban it from becoming examination center.
The Education Director said in all 35, 784 are writing the exams in the region with 16, 50 girls and 19,754 boys. He also said 1330 schools are writing the exams with 328 private schools and 1002 public schools in Brong Ahafo.
Some of the students the paper spoke to after their first paper were optimistic and said they are sure of passing the exams with distinction.

Friday, June 14, 2013

NACOMP Trains Team Leaders on mosquito control

Team Leaders at the training
The Nationwide Mosquito Control Programme (NACOMP), under Zoomlion Ghana Limited, a waste management and sanitation firm, has trained it team leaders in the Northern Sector of the country on mosquito control activities.
The participants drawn from Brong-Ahafo, Ashanti, Upper East, Upper West and Northern Regions were also trained on how to use the phoenix mosquito spraying machine to control mosquito borne diseases during the three day training programme held in Sunyani, Brong-Ahafo Regional Capital.
Addressing the 117 participants, a member of the Technical Advisory Committee from Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Dr. Samuel Kweku Dadzie explained the training is basically to equip the participants on the idea of mosquito and the need to control the insects.
According to him, mosquitoes cause yellow fever, malaria and elephantiasis, that is why he said it is necessary for the training to help them identify areas suitable for breeding of the insects and for spraying.
“The mosquito that cause malaria is the same insects that gives elephantiasis so people need to be educated to be careful”, he added.
Dr. Dadzie explained the training is also to educate them on safety measures on proper handling of insecticides used in spraying the insects as well as the maintenance of the spraying machines.
Mr. Alhaji Ziblim, an official of NACOMP who took the participants through safety and spraying techniques, called on the team leaders to avoid the intake of alcohol when mixing the chemicals or spraying.
He advised them to strictly adhere to all safety measures during the spraying exercise.
The National Head of NACOMP, Ebenezer Kwame Addae, explained it was set up in 2009 with the aim of controlling mosquito borne diseases.
He said the training is Ministry of Health and NACOMP collaboration to control mosquitoes and other mosquito related diseases
Mr. Addae said the training would empower the participants and build their capacities in mosquito control activities as well as improve their efficiency in the control programme.
Welcoming the team leaders, the Brong Ahafo Regional Manager of Zoomlion, Kofi Sekyere called on them to take the training serious so as to enable them find effective ways of controlling the spread of mosquitoes.
He was optimistic that participants will be well abreast with issues concerning mosquito at the close of the programme
From  Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani

CHREP To Support Prisoners

Lawyer Kweku Antwi-Agyei, CED CHREP
Centre for Human Rights Enforcement and Prisoners Aid (CHREP), a Sunyani based Non-Governmental Organization has been launched in Sunyani to advocate for the enforcement of basic human rights to eradicate injustice from the Ghanaian penal system and to advocate for restorative oriented Justice System.
Speaking at the launching, the brain behind CHREP, Lawyer Kwaku Antwi-Agyei, said the formation of CHREP is mainly to speak for the poor, the destitute, the down trodden and the imprisoned.
 According to him, the NGO will advocate for the welfare of prisoners, fight for their rights and draw attention of policy makers to their plight.
He said the fundamental human rights of prisoners in Ghana are being violated each passing day. He revealed that currently the Sunyani Central Prisons has over 800 inmates instead of the 271 inmates which it has as its capacity to accommodate prisoners.
Lawyer Antwi-Agyei said this has resulted into congestion, over-crowding and the concomitant spread of communicable diseases like HIV/AIDs, and TB. “Homosexuality, lesbianism, sodomy is also on the rise in our prisons”, he added.
“We look forward to a justice system where there will be expeditious trial or trial within a reasonable time, because justice delayed is justice denied”, he noted.
Lawyer Antwi-Agyei said the NGO will construct a modern day reform-oriented prisons, non custodial or probationary sentences for minor offences and young offenders.
He said the NGO will look forward to prisoners who are reformed to reintegrate into society after their terms of imprisonment.
The NGO which has lawyers, judges and influential persons in society as it board members, is focused on making prisons non-crowded, spacious and adequate number of prisons and of international standards.
The outgoing Sunyani High Court Judge, His Lordship Justice Ato Assan, who is also a board member of CHREP, called on everyone to join the NGO in advocating for the rights of prisoners and the poor in society.
The PRO for Brong Ahafo Regional Branch of Ghana Police Service, ASP Christopher Tawiah, disclosed that the police are trained on the welfare of prisoners, but the enforcement of some of the laws is the problem because the police service is not an income generating service.
He applauded CHREP for the initiative and said it will go a long way to help the society.
The newly elected board members has the President of Brong Ahafo Regional Branch of Ghana Bar Association, William Oduro Amponsah as its acting Chairman, Outgoing High Court Judge, Justice Ato Assan, MP for Sunyani East, Kwasi Ameyaw Cheremeh, Officer from the Social Welfare, Vida Mintah, Proprietress of Solomon Bennett Memorial School, Grace Bennett, Lawyer Kwaku  Antwi-Agyei the Executive Director of CHREP as its board members.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

40 Million Euros To Eliminate Poverty In Brong Ahafo

Raphael Ahenu Jr. CEO of Global Media Foundation
A 40m euro project that seeks to help in eliminating extreme poverty, improving health care, education, transport, creating employment, ensuring sustainable agriculture, urban construction, provision of low cost housing and proving for pensions is to be implemented in the Brong Ahafo Region.
The project dubbed: “The Brong Ahafo Green Fund for Capital Enterprise”, with an investment of about 40 million Euros would deliver community habitation, jobs and food security for a community of 7000 people.
The CEO of the Global Media Foundation (GLOMEF), Raphael Godlove Ahenu Jr, disclosed this at a meeting with the Deputy Brong Ahafo Regional Minister, Justice Adjei, when a ten member delegation from GLOMEF paid a courtesy call on him.
He said additionally, living wage jobs would be created in the sustainable, non-extractive construction sector (based on Organic Oils) where rental incomes support service oriented construction jobs will be offered.
The project he said is the initiative of New Directions Foundation (NDF) Limited, not for profit Company Limited by Guarantee based in UK, in partnership with GLOMEF, a human rights and anti-corruption media advocacy organization based in Ghana.
He noted that the purpose of the meeting with the Deputy Regional Minister was to brief him on the project and to solicit the support of government to ensure effective implementation of the project.
Briefing the Deputy Minister on the project, Mr. Ahenu said the project would be piloted in 15 communities in three selected districts in the Brong Ahafo region.
He mentioned the beneficiaries communities as Odumase, Chiraa, Nsuoatre, Dumasua and Fiapre in the Sunyani West District, Sunyani, Abisem, New Dormaa, Kotokrom and Atronie in the Sunyani Municipality as well as Kintampo, Babatokuma, Kunsu  Kraboso and Ayima in the Kintampo North Municipality.
According to him, under the project Regional Industries will be established by Berlin Technology Hub for manufacturing of low cost high efficiency Solar Energy to be made available to communities along with storage and re-use equipment to provide community Low Voltage power supply.
The CEO continued that the partnership is formed into a Company Limited by Guarantee and the company assumes the responsibility to request the components of the project from New Directions Foundation's partner in Ghana, and agrees to pay rent for the assets it uses.
The project when started, he said, will provide greater opportunities for the selected communities, which would bring total transformation to the people especially women. He called for maximum support from the government to ensure the success of the project.
The Deputy Brong Ahafo Regional Minister, Justice Adjei said eliminating poverty and creating jobs cannot be done by government alone and government needs support from all especially NGOs and the private sector. He thanked the NGO for taking up such initiative to help the people of Brong Ahafo.
From Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani

HIV Patients Pleads With Pharmacist’s

Sherry Aryeetey, Minister Of Health
Women Living with HIV in the Brong Ahafo Region have made a passionate appeal to the members of the Ghana Hospital Pharmacists Association to temper justice with mercy and go back to work to enable them have access to their life saving wire - anti-retroviral therapy (ART).
According to them, the strike by the pharmacists is threatening their survival because their lives depend much on the anti-retroviral therapy.
The women made the appeal at a Capacity Building and Sensitization Workshop for Women Living with Living HIV and AIDS and their Service Providers at Abesim near Sunyani.
The International Federation of Women Lawyer (FIDA Ghana) with financial backing from UN Women under its project organized a day’s event under the theme: “Increasing Access to Property and Inheritance Right of Women Living With HIV and AIDS in Ghana”.
The main goal of the project is to address the structural inequalities that make difficult for HIV positive women to access their property and inheritance rights after the death of their husbands.
The women also appealed to government, Fair Wages and Salary Commission to address the concerns of the pharmacists to enable them to go back to work as soon as possible.
The Women Living With HIV were unhappy about the attitude of some health and community based workers towards them as well as doctors and nurses who provide services to them.
They therefore stressed the need for intensive sensitization for health and community based workers on HIV related stigma to help minimize stigmatization of people living with HIV as well as reduce stigma against health workers providing HIV services.
They further called for sensitization among policy makers, traditional, opinion and religious leaders on HIV related stigma to enable them join the stigma reduction campaign.
In her presentation on the topic: “Property Rights of Women in Relation to Succession”, the Executive Director of FIDA Ghana, Jane Quaye, said many women and their children were deprived of properties which they had labored and toiled with their deceased husbands.
According to her, to add salt to injury, they are made to undergo widowhood rite and ritual servitude upon the death of their husbands.  This inhumane act, she noted, is unacceptable and called for abrupt stop to such barbaric act.
The Executive Director called on parliament to amend a section of the Children’s Act, 1998 (ACT 560) that stated that property of a deceased husband that is less than ten million old Ghana cedis must go to the spouse and children, adding “this is too small”.
Touching on challenges facing the implementation of the Interstate Succession Law, she pointed out that its application has been problematic. However, she was quick to add that it is still a good standard after all the years in operation.
From Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Chief Advocate For The Re-Introduction Of “Bragoro”

The Adontehene of Atuahene, a farming community in the Sunyani Municipality in the Brong Ahafo region, Nana Asamoah Boakye is advocating for the re-introduction of 'bragoro' puberty rite to help reduce HIV infection among the youth.
According to him, the focus of Ghana’s strategic plan of reducing the infection of HIV and AIDS by 50% at the end of 2015 will be a mirage if pragmatic measures are not put in place to help the youth to abstain from pre-marital sex and multiple sex partners.
Nana Asamoah Boakye mentioned this at a workshop organized for selected chiefs, queen mothers, and women leaders in Sunyani West District and Sunyani Municipality at Abesim near Sunyani.
The workshop was organized by the International Federation of Women Lawyer (FIDA Ghana) with funding from Womankind, UK based NGO under its project: “Increasing Access to
Property and Inheritance Right of Women Living With HIV and AIDS in Ghana”.
He said although the awareness of HIV prevention among the public and most at risk populations is very high, this knowledge, according to Nana Asamoah has not been adequately translated to behavioral change especially among the youth.
Nana was with the view that the re-introduction of the puberty rite (bragoro) will serve as a check to prevent the youth from engaging in pre-marital sex in order to avoid contracting the disease.
Touching on stigmatization and discrimination against People Living with HIV and AIDS, Nana Asamoah Boakye stressed the need for traditional leaders to lead the crusade against stigmatization and discrimination against People Living with HIV and AIDS.
He noted that HIV stigma and discrimination is a significant factor in Ghana and is a hindrance to accessing HIV prevention services resulting in exposure to HIV infection.
The Kronkohemaa of Nsuatre, Nana Yaa Kyeremaa, expressed worry over indecent dressing among the youth especially among tertiary students and therefore called on school authorities to ensure that strict measures are in place to prevent students from wearing indecent dressing on campus.
Nana Kyeremaa said although gender issues are recognized as key to confronting HIV and AIDS; however, government has failed to put in place comprehensive strategies to address gender.
She therefore called on the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection to come out with interventions to tackle gender factors influencing the spread of HIV.
Some Girls Performing the Bragoro or Dipo

Presenting a paper on the topic: “Stigmatization”, the Resource Mobilization Manager of FIDA Ghana, Susan Aryeetey, called on the media to lead the campaign against stigma to help reduce it especially against Women Living With HIV.
She noted that Women Living With HIV and AIDS have their fundamental human rights that need to be protected and condemned the situation whereby HIV patients are subjected to all form of abuses.
Mrs. Aryeetey underscored the need to address the structural inequalities that make it difficult for HIV positive women to access their property and inheritance rights after the death of their husbands.
From Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani

2 Cops Jailed .For Stealing AK47

The Fiapre Circuit Court Presided over by His Lordship Benjamin Yaw Osei has sentenced two policemen to five years each into prison with hard labour for stealing a service riffle.
The accused persons, Robert Adumoah Noye with Service Number 40405 and Darlington Anumu-King, Number 40395 who were charged with conspiracy to commit crime to wit steal and stealing, pleaded not guilty during their first appearance in court.
IGP Mohammed Alhassan
Presenting the facts of the case, the police Prosecutor, Chief Superintendent F.K Adjei, said the two servicemen were arrested in Accra on 22nd February 2010 whiles in the process of selling  a service riffle AK 47 with Number 170067 plus ten rounds of ammunition.
He mentioned that, upon their arrest it was detected that the two other AK 47 riffle have also been missing from the Wenchi District armory where Robert Adumoah Noye was stationed.
He said it was later found out that, Robert booked for AK 47 with ten rounds of ammunition to perform guard duties at National Investment Bank (NIB) Wenchi Branch but did not perform the duty but rather contacted Darlington Anumu-King and they went to Accra to sell the ammunition.
Supt Adjei said when they got to Accra, they met someone who feigned interest in buying the weapon and got police informed which led to their arrest.
He noted that after investigations by the police, the docket was forwarded to the Attorney General office and it was advised that the two accused persons be charged with conspiracy to commit crime to wit steal and stealing.

Otiko Djaba Warns Detractors

Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo Addo n Wife
The New Patriotic Party’s National Women’s Organizer, Otiko Ofisa Djaba, has warned all those wishing the 2012 NPP Presidential Candidate dead and sick will pay dearly for it because the hand of God is upon him.
According to her, all those who are wishing their 2012 flag bearer dead will be punished by God because their flag bearer will leave to see the Supreme Court case end and NPP emerging victorious.
The NPP National Women Organizer was reacting to allegations by the NDC National Women’s Organizer, Anita De Sousa on Ark FM, a local radio station in Sunyani that the NPP 2012 Flagbearer has run away from the country because the Supreme Court case is not moving in his favor.
She noted that their flag bearer didn’t die or runaway from the country when he lost in the 2008 election and cheated in the 2012 election, so nothing can make him run away from the country now
 “Anita De Sousa was a propaganda secretary before she became a women’s organizer so she still talks like a propaganda secretary. Therefore, she should not be allowed to deceived Ghanaians”, she added.
Mrs. Otiko Djaba called on Ghanaians to focus on what is going on at the Supreme Court and forget the NDC who are going round spreading untruth about the NPP 2012 flag bearer.
She called on well meaning Ghanaians, NPP faithful and the sympathizers of the party to remember their flag bearer anytime they go on their needs to pray.
She also assured Ghanaians that everything is well with the NPP 2012 flag bearer and will be back soon from his trip to see the court case go on smoothly as everyone expected.
“The battle is still the Lords so we won’t be replying the propagandists but rather will focus on the Supreme Court case till its conclusion”, she added.

Fire Investigators Not Needed-Kofi Jumah

Maxwell Kofi Jumah, Former MP For Asokwa
The former Member of Parliament for Asokwa in the Ashanti Region, Maxwell Kofi Jumah, has called on the government not to waste resources in bringing people from the US to investigate the recent fires in the country.
Mr Kofi Jumah believes there are competent security personnel in the country that can investigate the frequent fires.
He suggested that personnel at the Kwame University of Science and Technology (KNUST) can help reveal the causes of the infernos.
The former Mayor of Kumasi was speaking on Ark FM in Sunyani to react to the President's plans to bring people from the US to investigate the recent fires in the country.
Mr. Jumah also said the President was wrong to have said he suspected arson without waiting for investigations to end. “I don’t think he suspects any member of the NPP, but if he does then it's unfortunate because no member of the NPP will get involved in such things”, he added.
He called on the government to come out and say if their investigations revealed that the government was part of the fire outbreaks.
He also blasted the national television of constantly exposing its incompetence. According to him, the nation’s station cannot say they are losing huge sums of money because of the live telecast of the Supreme Court case.
“This is the right opportunity to get money, so I don’t know why they are complaining about losing revenue”, he added.
Mr. Jumah has therefore called on GTV to hand over the live telecast to the private stations in the country that can make money out of the live telecast because some of the private stations are ready to take the live telecast  and  make money out of it.
Meanwhile, traditionalist and staunch member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Nana Osei Yaw Nketiah popularly known as Dr. Asemfofro, has called on President Mahama to sack the Accra Metropolitan Assembly Boss, Alfred Oko Vanderpuye and some officials at the AMA because he believed they knew the causes of the fires.
“Until these people are sacked from the Assembly it will be a waste of time and money if the President goes to the US and bring investigators”, he added.
According to him, the cause of fires is within the NDC party who are there to sabotage the government and until they are sacked the cause of the fires will not be determined.

'Gay' Man Killed

The Family Head of Samuel Boampong, the 27-year-old tailor who was allegedly killed by his gay partner has denied the police reports that their son was gay.
The Family Head, Awere Mensah Abrampah, who spoke to Daily Guide expressed worry over the police report and said it has dented the family image.
“Our son was a good boy who led a good life so we don’t know why people will associate him with such behavior”, he added.
Mr. Abrampah said he believed some wicked person killed their son for reason best known to the person and not their son's gay partner as it is being alleged.
Daily Guide's information revealed that Samuel Boampong, a tailor at the Sunyani Central Market, was found dead in his room by two guys who collapsed at seeing the gory nature of his body on Saturday morning.
He was alleged to have been murdered by his alleged gay partner from Kumasi, which his family has denied.
According to the report, the alleged gay relationship turned sour when Boampong decided to stay away from his partner because his pastor has advised him against such alleged gay acts.
Confirming the reports, the Brong Ahafo Regional Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Christopher Tawiah said their initial investigations in Samuel’s room at his Sunyani Tonsuom Estate resident revealed that he had sexual relations with his alleged murderer who visited him from Kumasi.
He said they found condom containing sperm in his room so they have taken it to the laboratory for further investigations.
ASP Tawiah said the two alleged lovers locked themselves in Samuel’s room on Friday night; it was later in the night that some residents heard a shout but when they came out they didn’t see anything so they went back to sleep.
He said it was on Saturday morning that Samuel was found dead in his room lying face down and stabbed all over with a kitchen knife with deep cuts on his chest.
Samuel’s body has since been deposited at the North Ridge Hospital Morgue in Sunyani awaiting autopsy.

Ghana Could Erupt If…- Bishop Benny Wood

Spokesperson for the Concerned Clergy Association of Ghana has disclosed that the country could erupt if the current trend of politics continues.
Bishop Benny Wood was worried about vindictiveness that has characterized politics in the country, noting that the development could easily plunge the entire nation into anarchy.
He noted that the political temperature in the country seems to have increased due to the blame game by functionaries of various political parties.
He disclosed this while commenting on the emergence of doctored video of President Mahama having sex with a certain lady.
Bishop Benny Wood further mentioned that the unhealthy development in Ghana certainly demonstrates lack of good morals which is the bedrock of democratic governance.
He warned people to be circumspect on various social media users, especially facebook and twitter and avoid attacks on personalities.
From Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani

‘Breast Cancer Is Not Curse’

Dr Mrs Beatrice Wiafe Addai, a consultant and breast surgeon, has dispelled the wrong perception that breast cancer was caused by witch- craft, explaining that though the causal agent of the disease has not yet been known, it has no traces of curse or witchcraft.
She has therefore advised women to go for early and prompt clinical screening on breast cancer for detection and medication.
According to her, the alarming rate at which women were dying of breast cancer and other breast related diseases in the country demanded that those within the ages of 35 and 49 to undergo screening, irrespective of their health status.
Dr Wiafe who is the President of the Breast Care International (BCI), a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) was speaking to pressmen at Afrisipa, a mining town in the Tano North District of Brong-Ahafo Region, after about 500 women had undergone free breast screening exercise, jointly organized by the NGO and the Ahafo Mine of Newmont Ghana Gold Limited (NGGL) to mark the 5th anniversary celebration of Newmont Ahafo Development Foundation (NADeF).
NADeF was established by the Ahafo mine in 2008 to spearhead the execution of sustainable development in the 10 host communities around the mine and NGGL contributes one dollar per ounce of gold produced and one percent of its annual net profit to the foundation.
She said breast cancer was the number one disease killer among women, pointing out Ghana ranked 10th in breast cancer burden in the world, an indication that the disease was alarming in the country.
Dr Wiafe said treatment becomes difficult when patients report late for medical attention and that explained why all women must ensure that they were screened.
She disclosed that the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) covered treatment of the disease and advised those who have been detected to seek prompt medical care rather than moving from one prayer camp to the other.
Dr Wiafe said breast cancer could only be diagnosed after test. She also highlighted that the disease was curable and advised religious organizations to support patients to seek medication.
She mentioned the liver, brain and bones as some of the target organs of the disease and with earlier detection it could be treated.
The President of BCI explained that the NGO had chosen to work in deprived communities due to the fact that women in those areas were the most affected.
 From Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani