Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Can Suspicion Kill A Relationship?

Can Suspicion Kill A Relationship?
Suspicion will not lead me to end my relationship because before I will suspect my partner the first thing I will do is to investigate well to know whether what am suspecting my partner is the real truth. Mere suspicion cannot lead me to end my relationship, because I may end up knowing whatever I suspected her about wasn’t true after all. I know many people end their relationship on suspicion but I will not do that.
Vivianna Mensah, Journalist
Most relationship end because of suspicion, I believe if you don’t trust your partner it means you don’t love the fellow and suspicion goes with mistrust. In my opinion, the moment suspicion set in a relationship it begins to crumble because it leads to frequent argument and quarrels.
Farouk Tabas, Radio Producer
I stayed with my girlfriend for five years but I broke up with her because I was suspecting her unnecessary. For some reason I always had a sinking suspicion about her ex boyfriend I couldn’t get it out of my mind so it destroyed the relationship I had built with her for years, so suspicion really kills relationship. I think we should let our love overshadow our suspicious to be able to keep our relationship.
Maame Joe, Student
Yes it can kill a relationship, because if you continue to suspect your partner you will always think he/she is cheating on you so you will end the relationship with the fear of losing your partner. The moment you begin to suspect your partner you lose the love you have for the fellow because you think the person does not respect you anymore.
Salina Sakyiwaa, Field Officer, ELAC
Suspicion in a relationship is an easy way to end a relationship or better still kill it quick. What will give me the urge to suspect my partner, in every suspicion there is a little bit of truth in it so you don’t have to give your partner the room to suspect you because it can kill the relationship.

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