Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Can Suspicion Kill A Relationship?

Can Suspicion Kill A Relationship?
Suspicion will not lead me to end my relationship because before I will suspect my partner the first thing I will do is to investigate well to know whether what am suspecting my partner is the real truth. Mere suspicion cannot lead me to end my relationship, because I may end up knowing whatever I suspected her about wasn’t true after all. I know many people end their relationship on suspicion but I will not do that.
Vivianna Mensah, Journalist
Most relationship end because of suspicion, I believe if you don’t trust your partner it means you don’t love the fellow and suspicion goes with mistrust. In my opinion, the moment suspicion set in a relationship it begins to crumble because it leads to frequent argument and quarrels.
Farouk Tabas, Radio Producer
I stayed with my girlfriend for five years but I broke up with her because I was suspecting her unnecessary. For some reason I always had a sinking suspicion about her ex boyfriend I couldn’t get it out of my mind so it destroyed the relationship I had built with her for years, so suspicion really kills relationship. I think we should let our love overshadow our suspicious to be able to keep our relationship.
Maame Joe, Student
Yes it can kill a relationship, because if you continue to suspect your partner you will always think he/she is cheating on you so you will end the relationship with the fear of losing your partner. The moment you begin to suspect your partner you lose the love you have for the fellow because you think the person does not respect you anymore.
Salina Sakyiwaa, Field Officer, ELAC
Suspicion in a relationship is an easy way to end a relationship or better still kill it quick. What will give me the urge to suspect my partner, in every suspicion there is a little bit of truth in it so you don’t have to give your partner the room to suspect you because it can kill the relationship.

GJNMOG Mourns Mills

GJNMOG Mourns Mills
from Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani
    The Ghana Journalist Network on Mining, Oil and Gas (GJNMOG) has expressed total shock about the sudden demise of President John Evans Atta Mills.
      A statement jointly signed on Thursday by Raphael Godlove Ahenu, National President, Fred Tettey Alarti-Amoako, Vice President and Dennis Peprah, General Secretary, said “the network received the former President’s death with shock and join the nation in mourning.”
      The statement observed that the death of the former President had caused Ghana dearly and expressed the optimism that the demise would continue to unite Ghanaians as the general elections drew nearer.
      “We extend our heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family, the government and the entire nation,” it added.   
      The statement said GJNMOG was of the view that God would receive the soul of President Mills into His Kingdom.   
“We also take this opportunity to congratulate His Excellency John Dramani Mahama, on his elevation to the highest office of the land.”
      The Association expressed the hope that President Mahama will ensure that mining issues, especially illegal mining in the country will be addressed.

Don’t Preach Peace Let’s Work Towards It…..NPP Scribe

Don’t Preach Peace Let’s Work Towards It…..NPP Scribe
From Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani
The Brong Ahafo Regional Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Alfred Ofori Annye, has expressed worry over the way people have resorted to talking about peace without working towards it.
According to him, people mount political platforms, podiums, pulpit, and in the street and begin to talk about peace but fail to do what will bring the peace Ghanaians need as the elections approaches.
He therefore called on Ghanaians to be focused and look out for things that will bring peace to the country rather than just talking about it without any action to back it.
Mr. Annye was speaking to Daily Guide in an interview in his office about the peace the nation is looking for as the elections are approaching.
“As politicians we have been talking about peace that we need but we have forgotten to talk about what will not bring about the peace that is the conflict of interest, abuse of power, intimidation and not respecting the rule of law.
“We always talked about peace without talking about the ingredients that will make up the peace we all want,” he noted.
The NPP Scribe therefore called on his fellow politicians not to use their positions to intimidate others.
“We as politicians need to eschew what will bring about conflict and we shall take peace as a bonus,” he added.

Tain Grieves

Tain Grieves
From Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani
The Chiefs and people of Tain have stated that they are the most aggrieved because of the love and commitment the former President John Mills showed to them.
According to them, the gesture they believe was because they were the deciders of the 2008 elections.
“The news of the former president’s death was received by the Chiefs and people of Tain in shock and deep sorrow,” the chiefs said.
This was contained in a press statement signed by Nana Kwaku Dwuma Ankoanna, Omanhene of Seikwa Traditional Area on behalf of the paramount chiefs and divisional chiefs and the people of Tain district.
The statement said in the president’s fulfilment of his campaign message, the late president proved his love and support to the people of Tain District by initiating various developmental projects that were evenly spread throughout the traditional areas of Seikwa, Nsawkaw, Badu and Debibi.
It continued that, they were not surprised to have conferred on him the title ‘Nkusuohene’, (Development Chief) of the traditional area.
The statement said it is a great worry to them that the president has left them sooner than they expected. They added that they have the conviction that the newly sworn in President John Mahama will emulate the late president’s footsteps in the period to come, not forgetting what his predecessor started.
“With no option left, it is our prayer that the soul of the late president, Prof. John Evans Atta Mills will rest in peace,” it added.

NDC Japan Mourn Mills

NDC Japan Mourn Mills
From Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani
The National Democratic Congress Branch of Japan has sent their condolences to the wife of the late President, Dr. Mrs. Ernestina Naadu Mills, family and the people of Ghana.
In an interview with the NDC Japan Chairman, George Adoo via Skype from his residence in Japan, he expressed his shock over the death of the President and called on Ghanaians to come together and mourn the noble man who has left an indelible mark in the history of Ghana.
According to him, they went to the Ghana Embassy in Japan on Tuesday on the eve of the one week funeral celebration to present flowers to the ambassador and also sign the book of condolence and afterwards had a meeting with the ambassador on their plans towards the funeral.
Mr. Addo said the Embassy has made adequate plans to bring together all Ghanaians in Japan to organise a memorial service in Tokyo to celebrate the former president.
The NDC Japan Chairman noted that the Ambassador for Japan, Dr. Brandful has sent letters to them to prepare for the memorial service and to invite important personalities to celebrate the former president.
He also disclosed that the Japan NDC has two members in Ghana that will help in laying the former President to rest since all of them cannot come because of the short notice for the funeral.
Mr. Addo on behalf of the NDC Japan congratulated the new President, John Mahama and urged him to continue the good work his former boss started.
 He called on Ghanaians to respect each other’s views and remember they are all one people no matter the political background so as to have a peaceful burial for the former President.

Thanksgiving Service For Prof.

Sunyani Wesley Organise Thanksgiving Service For Prof.
From Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani
Wesley Cathedral, Sunyani early Sunday morning organised a memorial service in memory of the late former President, John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills at the Church premises in Sunyani to thank the Lord for a successful burial.
Leading the service the Diocesan Bishop for Sunyani, RT. Rev. Kofi Asare Bediako called on Ghanaians to stop casting insinuations among themselves over the death of the President because the President died a peaceful man.
According to the tribute read on behalf of the Methodist Church Ghana, he said the Church was honoured to have associated itself with the late President John Evans Mills and will surely miss him.
Rev. Bediako said he knows Ghanaians have learnt a lot from the President’s demise and he knows it will guide Ghanaians in everything they do.
He also stated that the President introduced a lot of Christian Union in the castle which made him say God was the President of Ghana which many criticised but he was not perturbed because of the God he worshipped.
Rev. Bediako further called on Ghanaians to know that they have one nation and one common destiny therefore they must eschew divisiveness which will hinder the peace Ghanaians are enjoying.
“Let us not take the peace we are enjoying for granted, we must work towards the peace we preach not just called for peace by mouth”, he added.
The Bishop also led the Church in prayers for the late President and read John 14:1-6 to church.
A minute silence was observed in honour of the late President after which the Bishop mentioned his name three times on which the church responded ‘thanks be God’.
Speaking to Daily Guide after the memorial service, Rev. Bediako said the memorial service will be reciprocated in all the sixteen cathedral church in the country.
He also used the opportunity to call on Ghanaians to work towards peace in the upcoming elections and after elections.


One Month No Gas
From Vivianna Mensah, Sunyani
Some taxi drivers and residents in the Sunyani municipality have expressed their worry over the shortage of the gas which has hit the municipality for the last one month.
“We will advise ourselves over this frequent shortages in the municipality if the government does not do anything about it and we lose our jobs”, an angry taxi driver noted.
The drivers who were seen stranded in most of the filling stations DAILY GUIDE visited Tuesday morning were angry about the shortage of the gas which they said has gone on for the past one month.
When this reporter spoke to one angry driver, Richard Kusi, he claimed he has not worked for the past two weeks because of the shortage of gas in the Sunyani Municipality and his car owner has threatened to sell the car if it continues that way.
“For the past three weeks every gas station you visit has the inscription ‘sorry no gas’ which has kept us wondering if the government’s promise of ‘Better Ghana’ is truly reflecting in the gas industry which we survive from,” he disclosed.
Mr. Kusi alleged that whenever there is gas at the stations because of the shortages, one has to pay bribe to get the tank filled. This, he said, is not helping them in their taxi business because it reflects in their daily sales.
One of the attendants at the filling station daily guide visited said their suppliers promised to send them some of the gas but they haven’t received it yet.